Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D (Full Game Repack Download)

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D Full Game Repack Download

The story is divided into four chapters, each of which starts with an opening crawl resembling those featured in the Star Wars films. Further story details are presented through the game's instruction manual, pre-mission briefings, character conversations during the game and in-game cutscenes. The game begins with Rogue Squadron briefly encountering the Empire at the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine. The team executes escort and rescue missions on Barkhesh and Chorax, respectively.

The Rebels learn that Imperial officer Crix Madine wishes to defect to the Rebel Alliance. The Empire launches an attack on Corellia, where Madine is stationed, to prevent his departure. Rogue Squadron, with the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, fights off the Empire and helps escort Madine safely off the planet. Rogue Squadron is joined by Gold Squadron, a group of Y-wings now led by Crix Madine; they are dispatched to the moon of Gerrard V to aid its quest for independence from the Empire. They encounter the 128th TIE interceptor Squadron and disable Kasan Moor's TIE. When Rogue Squadron tells Moor that she has been taken prisoner, she offers to defect and provide the Rebel Alliance with Imperial intelligence.

With the help of Kasan Moor's intelligence, the Alliance launches three consecutive attacks on Imperial bases throughout the galaxy. After an assault on the Imperial Enclave, a facility on Kile II supporting the Empire's Naval operations, Wedge Antilles is ambushed by a group of TIEs and is taken captive. The Rebel Alliance tracks Wedge to an Imperial prison complex on the planet of Kessel. The remaining members of Rogue Squadron travel to Kessel and rescue him and other Rebel prisoners.

With Wedge Antilles free and Rogue Squadron again at full strength, the Rebel Alliance turns its attention to a new Imperial threat — Moff Kohl Seerdon. Seerdon is consolidating Imperial power in preparation for an attack aimed at capturing Thyferra, a planet that produces the healing substance bacta. Rogue Squadron is ordered to disrupt his operation with hit-and-run missions against key targets on Taloraan and Fest. In retaliation, Seerdon attacks and holds a city on the planet of Chandrila hostage. Rogue Squadron and the Alliance strike back by initiating a Kasan Moor-engineered raid on an Imperial base located inside a volcano on Sullust. While still on Sullust, however, General Rieekan informs the Squadron that Moff Seerdon has used their raid as a diversion and begun his attack on Thyferra. With Seerdon in control of the planet's bacta and their own supply threatened, Rogue Squadron quickly reaches Thyferra, kills Seerdon and frees the planet.

In the final chapter, the game moves into the future, six years after the Battle of Endor. Rogue Squadron, now under the command of Wedge Antilles, continues to fight the wounded Empire. On the planet of Mon Calamari, new Imperial weapons called World Devastators are destroying the planet. Rogue Squadron is deployed, disables all three Devastators and destroys the Imperial presence.

System Requirements
OS: Windows 95, 98
CPU: Intel Pentium 166 MHz or Intel Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 32 MB
Hard disk: 80 MB
GPU: Direct3D or Glide compatible graphics card, 4 MB of VRAM

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D Full Game Repack Download

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D Full Game Repack Download

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D Full Game Repack Download

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D Full Game Repack Download

Repack Notes
- Based on the GOG repack, v1.2
- Widescreen support with dgVoodoo, if you choose to have the 4:3 aspect ratio then the game runs with DDrawCompat
No Glide support, in both cases the game has been capped to 60FPS to fix the infamous camera bug
When starting a mission press F1 to switch to the close camera

WARNING: The game might not run if you have Discord or Bandicam running in the background!

Potential resolved issues:
- Joystick inhibits controls - The joystick input (even if no joystick is activated) can be switched off by pressing Ctrl+J
- Joystick not detected - If your joystick isn't detected change the compatibility mode in the Properties tab to Windows 98/Me. Then try pressing "Default" to reset your joystick assignments. After this, you can shut compatibility mode off (if there are problems with the menus being slow etc) and you should be set

Download (40MB)
https://ouo .io/Spln2o (remove the space before .io)

Star_Wars_-_Rogue_Squadron_3D_Repack.rar - 484E3E8517F5CAB5FDF3A51588675A1848B752547C757CE82D6ED1FC2CA25ABB

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