Grand Theft Auto III


Grand Theft Auto III (also shortened into GTA III or GTA 3) is a 2001 action-adventure videogame developed by Rockstar North (then known as DMA Design) and published by Rockstar Games. It was originally released for the PlayStation 2 console, but also saw ports for the PC and Xbox.

Set in the fictional Liberty City in 2001, Grand Theft Auto III begins a new continuity separated from its predecessors. The game’s narrative follows the adventures of Claude, a silent criminal who was betrayed by his girlfriend Catalina during a bank heist. Claude begins to work for different factions in the crime-riddled Liberty City, including the Mafia, Yakuza and corrupted figures.

Set in an open-world environment, Grand Theft Auto III is the first game in the series to be presented in a fully 3D world, shifting away from the top-down perspective that characterized previous games in the franchise. Development was handled by DMA Design, and it was the final game developed by the company before its rename into Rockstar North.

Grand Theft Auto III was universally acclaimed upon its release in October 2001. Critics praised the game for its presentation, game design, freedom, sound design and ambition, though it was a subject of controversy due to its violent nature. Multiple publications deemed it a revolutionary title for its advancements in game design and open-ended gameplay, and it was awarded a variety of end-year accolades. A commercial success, GTA 3 sold over 14 million copies.

System Requirements

OS: Windows 2000/XP
Processor: Pentium III 450 MHz
Memory: 96 MB RAM
Graphics: 16 MB Direct 3D Video Card
Hard Drive: 1GB
Sound Card: Fully DirectX compatible Sound Card

Processor: 700 MHz CPU
Memory: 128 MB RAM
Graphics: 32 MB Direct3D Video Card


Repack Notes

– Patch v1.1
– SilentPatch applied
– Game music & audio working fine
– Nothing cut/ripped
– Installer compressed to fit on a CD

Repack v2 changelog:
(no idea)

Repack v3 changelog:
– The game has been downgraded to v1.0
– 4GB RAM patch
– Added modloader v0.3.7
– Added CLEO v2.0.0.6
– ThirteenAg’s widescreen fix + reencoded intros for HD
– Sharper trails without blurriness
– EAX fix
– Optional save editor (shortcut is located in the start menu group folder)
– Optional 100% completed save game (8th slot)
– Project2DFX v4.4 (improved level of distance/details and lamp lights, highly recommended, might harm game performance if you have an old ass computer)
– SkyGFX v3.0b (PS2-like atmosphere, might harm game performance if you have an old ass computer)
– ParticleEX for better particle effects (might harm game performance if you have an old ass computer)

Repack v4 changelog:
– Moved rwd3d9.dll to the essentials installer component because previously if you unchecked SkyGFX during installation the game asked for that file

Repack v5 changelog:
– Added GInput for Xbox 360 & DualShock 3 controller support
Works with DsHidMini driver, but requires you to drop DsHIdMini’s xinput1_3.dll into the game directory
More info as well as gamepad cheats can be found in gamedir\~Controller Docs folder

Repack v6 changelog:
– Added optional San Andreas-like car camera (r6) and optional auto-aim when shooting pedestrians with the mouse (ClassicAxis v0.225)
– Updated Project2DFX to the 8th of January, 2024 version

Repack v7 changelog:
– Added Framerate Vigilante, this basically allows you to run the game at 50FPS without game-breaking bugs.
You still need to enable the ingame’s frame limiter for this to work! Also do NOT increase the 50FPS cap in the .ini file!

Repack v8 changelog:
– Updated the widescreen fix to the October 28, 2024 version
– Updated Project2DFX to the November 10, 2024 version as well as added Open Limit Adjuster (for this mod only)
– Updated SilentPatch to build 9.1
– Updated SilentPatch DDraw to build 6

Potential resolved issues:
– Game doesn’t start – Go to ‘My Documents\GTA3 User Files’ and delete the file gta3.set

Note about Windows XP users:
Since the ASI mods are loaded with an ASI loader, on Windows XP & Vista “Simple DLL Loader v1.2” is used, although not extensively tested, the game doesn’t throw an error message on startup. But no guarantees that the mods and fixes are loaded correctly since the game was tested on VMware and as you might know it couldn’t even get to the menu screen because it’s VMware and not real hardware. On Windows 7 and newer, the Ultimate ASI Loader v5.2 is used so no problems there.

With the Simple DLL Loader each ASI script must be declared inside gamedir\dlls.cfg file!

Download (1GB)



Grand_Theft_Auto_III_Repack_v8.rar – BF49F7A5691FC42FBA94144EEFC3E856F0D6A9CFF4D2A692A0681F818A630533

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