
X-Men – Children of the Atom


X-Men: Children of the Atom is a 2D fighting game and the first Capcom title to use licensed characters from the Marvel comic universe. It has six main characters and four of their enemies that are playable. The X-Men are Colossus, Cyclops, Iceman, Psylocke, Storm and Wolverine. The villains are Omega Red, Sentinel, Silver Samurai and Spiral. The two main bosses are Juggernaut and Magneto, and Akuma is available as a secret character.

Fighting is done one-on-one with a traditional best-two-out-of-three match setup, with automatic or manual blocking. Similar to the Super Combo gauge in Super Street Fighter II Turbo there is an X-Power gauge of different levels, filled up when the player performs moves. When it is maxed out an X-Ability or Hyper X special move can be performed. Other general features are the abilities to super jump, roll away and aiming projectiles. …



Imp is an easy to learn 3D action game where you fight your opponent’s monsters in fast and furious duels on one computer. In the basic set there is 50 different Imps available, that all have their special strengths and weaknesses. A basic game of Imp is played as a duel where the victor is the Imp that reduces the opponent’s stamina to zero, thus knocking him out. The key to victory is to learn the special abilities of your monster as well as the weaknesses of your opponent’s, device a suitable tactic and successfully stick to that tactic. …

War Gods


War Gods is a one-on-one fighting game that takes place in 3D environments. The fighter under your control can perform many different moves, and string those moves together to perform “combos.” Furthermore, the fighters all have special “finishing moves” that eliminate your opponent in some gruesome manner at the end of a match. There are 10 different fighters to choose from, all based on different ancient civilizations.

The graphics in War Gods are fairly unique. They were created by texture-mapping 3D character models with digitized photos of people. This gives them a reasonably lifelike look. …

Last Bronx


The leader of Soul Crew, the toughest gang in Tokyo, was viciously killed. Shortly after that an anonymous challenge appeared in graffiti scrawls all over the city “inviting” all of the city’s gang leaders to a fighting tournament that will settle which group has the power to rule Tokyo. Everyone knew refusing to participate was not an option.

Just like in Virtua Fighter 2, you fight in 3D stages and every character has its unique style and feel. But unlike the PC version of Virtua Fighter 2, where the background of every stage is a flat picture, in Last Bronx all the scenery is done in 3D. Plus, you can taunt your opponent during the fight! …

Mortal Kombat 4


Mortal Kombat 4 is 1 vs 1 fighting game, similar to the other Mortal Kombat games, but this is first game in series with 3D characters models. The player can choose from 15 different fighters at the start (and several unlockables later on). Many fighters from earlier games in the series make a comeback (like Scorpion, Sub Zero, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage etc.) while other new fighters join in, like Shinook (who is the main evil character in this game), Fujin, Jarek, and Kai. Goro returns as a boss

Gameplay is very typical for a Mortal Kombat game, but has several new features – for example characters can use weapons in a fight (not only as a special move) or avoid attacks in the 3D environment. …

Bio Freaks


This game is a 3D one-on-one fighter of extraordinary violence. Take control of one of many bionically-enhanced fighters, and fight in a dangerous interactive 3D environment.

Most of the characters rely on distance attacks, which centres the game on strategic fighting rather than a boxing match; interacting with the hazardous environment adds hardship to the gameplay: while avoiding an opponent’s gunfire by jetting off with your jetpack, you may just slam right into a buzzsaw coming out of the wall. …

Virtua Fighter


Akira Yuki, the only active master of the powerful Kung Fu technique known as Hakkyoku ken (“The Eight Point Fist”) travels the world in search of enlightenment and worthy opponents. He has found them in in the World Fighting Tournament, where the strongest fighters determine who the master of hand-to-hand combat is. All techniques are allowed as long as the contestants use no weapons but their own bodies.

After weeks of trials, only seven other warriors remain: Sarah Bryant and her brother Jacky, Lau Chan and his daughter Pai, Jeffry McWild, Wolf Hawkfield and the ninja Kagemaru.

Virtua Fighter PC (aka – Virtua Fighter PC Remix) is an enhanced port of Sega’s arcade hit Virtua Fighter. It features the original characters and stages with higher polygon counts and texture mapping (a la Virtua Fighter 2) and various minor gameplay tweaks. …

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