Postal 2


Postal 2 is the sequel to Postal, the gritty, violent, over-the-top game that was the target of almost every politician’s speech about violence in video games. Once again, the player takes on the role of Postal Dude, a normal (comparatively normal, anyway) guy living in Paradise, Arizona. The game is composed of a five day week, Monday to Friday, where the player must accomplish various errands. There is no time limit and errands can be done whenever the player feel like it. Errands range from getting a carton of milk (buying it or stealing it, player’s choice) to cashing a cheque at the bank (either wait in line or kill everyone, again, player’s choice). The game is as violent as you are, meaning the player can go through the majority of the game without killing someone or beating up someone, but can also go through it killing and decapitating every one the player comes across.

For killing needs, the player has a plethora of ways to dispatch people: kick them, urinate on them (making them vomit), shoot them, bash them with a shovel, throw gas on them and set them ablaze, leaving behind a charred corpse, and if the player wants to be stealthy, it is possible to pick up a cat and stick a shotgun into its rear end to use it as a silencer. One of the similarly over the top weapons is a decapitated cow’s head filled with anthrax, which will cause everyone in the immediate area to gag, throw up, and eventually die.

The game uses the Unreal Warfare engine, and comes packed with the Warfare editor, allowing the player to create new people, levels, or even entire mods. …



In the nearby future scientists develop a so-called Quantum suit that allows the carrier to travel through time. Two prototypes called Alpha and Betasuit are ready for testing when Aiden Krone enters the lab, steals the Alphasuit and makes a time-jump before he blows up the building. Luckily you were there and had the chance to jump into the Betasuit and activate the time travel before the building was destroyed. But it took the suit a second too long to jump so the explosion hit it and your jump didn’t go as planned. When you wake up in an alley in the future you quickly realize that Krone has already declared himself leader of the world and transformed it into a totalitarian state with him as the dictator. Shortly after waking up, you are found by some rebels and you join their task in order to stop Krone and fix the timeline since your suit was too badly damaged by the blast.

Fight your way through hordes of enemies with futuristic, but also conventional weapons like pistols or shotguns. Your suit isn’t rendered totally useless. It still allows you to slow down, rewind and forward time for a short period. This not only allows you to overcome obstacles like fire but you can also trick your enemies. Players can slow down the time and then steal the weapon out of the hand of an enemy – if he hasn’t a too strong grip on it. This feature is also used for small time-related puzzles. …

Chrome SpecForce


In the sequel to Chrome, you once again take on the role of Bolt Logan. He is now part of the special unit “SpecForce”. One day they are sent to the planet Estrella where a drug is been produced, which makes the consumer very aggressive and strong. But as you reach the facility, you find out that there is a terrorist group behind it and soon the unit not only fights for its own survival but for the survival of the whole universe.

Chrome SpecForce features a slightly improved Chrome engine which once again allows huge mission areas in which you have complete freedom on how to fulfill your mission goal. As the land is so big, there are also vehicles available like speeders, powerful Mecs or planes. On foot there are several futuristic weapons, from the TC234 Pistol to the GL Dragoon Rocket launcher. You are part of a unit, so you fight along with teammates, and you can give them simple orders to move around or attack. …



As a freelance mercenary, Bolt Logan has been to some tough planets and had some tough jobs. In fact, one year ago his partner betrayed him and alerted the soldiers to take care of him. But Logan survived with the aid of another person, and worked hard to rebuild his credit supply. Now, a year after that incident, the freelancer has a new ship, new implants, a new partner and is looking for some new jobs. It’s a good time too – since the corporations and individuals of the galaxy are all in a virtual gold rush looking for the rare terraforming compound, Chrome.

Chrome is a story-driven first-person shooter spread over various types of terrain and scenery. Missions are self-contained, and the plot follows the player’s progress between and during them. Most of the stages are fairly large and can be completed using different approaches. There are various weapons and vehicles to try out, including armored cars, air transporters and humanoid robots. Bolt Logan is equipped with armor, a motion detector and a selection of implants that will allow him to specialize towards the mission profile. The implants affect the body and are used to enhance the vision, increase the speed of running, steady the aim or reduce injuries, among others. …

Will Rock


Will Rock has been described as Serious Sam set in Greece.

A budget First Person Shooter where you take the role of the title character, an archaeologist named Will Rock. Your mentor has been murdered by a cult calling themselves the Olympian Restoration Army.

This of course leads to you running around Grecian ruins shooting at hundreds of bad guys and mythological monsters. Like the aforementioned Sam, Will Rock relies more on spawning dozens of bad guys at a time and furious combat than story. …

Vivisector – Beast Within


A team of navy seals investigating a series of strange reports from Soreo, a desolate volcanic island somewhere in the Pacific, have gone missing. Kurt Robinson and his team are sent out to reestablish contact and to find out just what truth is behind those reports… Bit by bit, the history of the island and its inhabitants will be uncovered – as will Kurt Robinson’s role in it.

Vivisector: Beast Within is a first-person shooter which has players exploring some thirty-odd levels ranging from beaches and jungles to the snow covered heights of an inactive volcano. They’ll be forced to face a literal army of various engineered animals, from canines with lightning rods on their backs and metal reinforced fangs to the Rhino-truck, to various half-breed like Gepardmen, which utilize Ninja-like mortal combat techniques, or various types of Wolfmen, which field different types of heavy weaponry.

The player, in turn, gets access to an arsenal ranging from a standard combat knife and Pistol to more advanced weaponry, such as machine guns, plasma rifles, and a handheld Howitzer. …

The Chronicles of Riddick – Assault on Dark Athena


The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena includes two single player campaigns. One is a graphically enhanced version of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay and the other, called Assault on Dark Athena, continues the story almost directly after the end of Escape from Butcher Bay with Richard B. Riddick and Johns in hibernation on board of a ship deep in space. A group of renegade mercenaries finds them and brings them on board of their giant ship called the Dark Athena where they transform people into mindless drones. Of course Johns is a too valuable target to transform so they plan to collect the bounty that is on his head after he freed Riddick from the prison. Riddick on the other hand – well he managed to evade capture and is now really pissed.

As in the first campaign, the player once again assumes the role of Riddick, controlling him a standard first person shooter fashion through the corridors of the ship. But Riddick isn’t one who runs guns blazing through the enemies. Instead the dark is his friend. Hiding in the shadows he uses his special ability to see in the dark, sneak up on enemies and perform an instant melee kill with whatever weapon he has currently equipped. This not only applies to his melee weapons that range from his fists to the newly double-carved blades but called “Ulaks” but also to the bigger stuff he’ll find on his journey like assault rifles, a mini-gun and such. …

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