
Vivisector – Beast Within


A team of navy seals investigating a series of strange reports from Soreo, a desolate volcanic island somewhere in the Pacific, have gone missing. Kurt Robinson and his team are sent out to reestablish contact and to find out just what truth is behind those reports… Bit by bit, the history of the island and its inhabitants will be uncovered – as will Kurt Robinson’s role in it.

Vivisector: Beast Within is a first-person shooter which has players exploring some thirty-odd levels ranging from beaches and jungles to the snow covered heights of an inactive volcano. They’ll be forced to face a literal army of various engineered animals, from canines with lightning rods on their backs and metal reinforced fangs to the Rhino-truck, to various half-breed like Gepardmen, which utilize Ninja-like mortal combat techniques, or various types of Wolfmen, which field different types of heavy weaponry.

The player, in turn, gets access to an arsenal ranging from a standard combat knife and Pistol to more advanced weaponry, such as machine guns, plasma rifles, and a handheld Howitzer. …

Alone in the Dark & Jack


Jeremy Hartwood has committed suicide in his Louisiana mansion, Derceto. You take the role of either Edward Carnby, a private investigator, or Emily Hartwood, Jeremy’s niece, and investigate the suspicious death. The three-floor mansion is reputed to be haunted by its eccentric past owner. Very quickly, you realise that it is. Warped rats, zombies, and giant worms are among the foes who are after you, and you must somehow escape.

Alone in the Dark is an action-adventure survival horror game. The action is displayed from a number of fixed viewpoints. The backgrounds are 2D painted images, while the player character, all items, and monsters are rendered as 3D models.

To escape the mansion, you’ll have to solve a number of puzzles. They usually involve finding an item and using it in a proper place. Apart from items necessary for the puzzles, you can also find books and documents that can be read, healing items which can be consumed to restore hit points, and weapons. …

Alone in the Dark 2


In Alone in the Dark 2, you take the role of detective Edward Carnby, one of the two main characters in the original Alone in the Dark. Carnby is now called upon to investigate a bootlegger named One Eyed Jack after an old detective colleague named Stryker attributes Jack to the kidnapping of young Grace Saunders. Stryker attempts to infiltrate Jack’s dilapidated mansion of Hell’s Kitchen and rescue the girl, only to disappear himself. That’s where Carnby comes in.

Carnby soon learns that Jack and his gangsters are really 15th-century pirates who gained immortality after Jack joined forces with Elizabeth Jarret, a Voodoo witch. However, the dark magic which keeps them immortal also requires Jack and his crew to regularly make human sacrifices (which explains Grace’s kidnapping).

Now Carnby must battle his way through Hell’s Kitchen and Jack’s army of Tommy-gun-wielding gangsters, searching for a way to break the spell and make them stay dead. …

Alone in the Dark 3


After surviving through two encounters with the supernatural in Derceto and Hell’s Kitchen, detective Edward Carnby is ready for another round of being Alone in the Dark.

In the third game in the series, we learn that Emily Hartwood (the other main character from the original game) started a career in Hollywood movies after surviving her ordeal in Derceto. Her latest project is a spaghetti western being filmed in an abandoned western ghost town called Slaughter Gultch, which rests precariously on the edge of the San Andreas fault. Originally a gold town set up rather rudely on ancient Indian sacred ground, Slaughter Gultch was founded by a man named Jebediah Stone and run by his own private army of cold-blooded killers. Stone and his men were killed by angry villagers led by the local Blacksmith, and the town was abandoned soon after. Unfortunately, Emily’s crew disturbs the spirits of Stone and his men, who promptly return to the world of the living and proceed to kill off the film crew one by one.

Carnby is called to Slaughter Gultch after learning of the disappearance of Emily and her crew, and is soon met by Stone’s Zombie Cowboy gang. Armed with various western paraphenalia such as colt peacemakers, bullwhips, and even a gatling gun, Carnby must fight his way through Stone’s minions and discover Emily’s fate. Along the way he learns some surprising things about Stone’s origin, as well as a sinister plan interrupted by his death which involved the destruction of the west coast and which Stone can now pursue once again. …



F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon is a horror first person shooter (FPS) that resembles a cross between Doom 3, Half-Life, and the Ring horror movies. Demons are replaced by cloned soldiers and the element of horror revolves around an image of a spectral girl always appearing when least expected for a few fleeting moments.

The player sets out as a member of a specialized strike force dealing with unknown threats. Initially, the player starts with mundane weapons, which are well presented, and progress gradually towards more sci-fi ones as the danger increases. The player can also call upon a bullet-time ability which slows down time around the player and is realised with impressive visual and aural effects by the game engine.

The game takes place in a certain multi-billion aerospace installation which has been hijacked by an elite team of cloned soldiers gone rogue and an unknown supernatural force (which is likely controlling or affecting them in some way). Both threats must be identified and countered. …

Obscure II (The Aftermath)


It has been two years since the incident at Leafmore High you witnessed in ObsCure and the survivors of the nightmare moved on to a university of Fallcreek. When they killed Herbert Friedman, the conductor of the biological experiment with the black flowers, they assumed everything was okay, of course it was not. The seeds of the flower had already spread around and it grew and blossomed without much notice. When it was discovered, that the flowers contain a dangerous substance that induces strange but vivid dreams, it became the new hit drug on the campus. Now the seeds begin to germinate and the bad trip turns into a horrible nightmare. The only ones that really know what is going on are the ones that are experiencing it for the second time and hide terrible secrets inside themselves…

Most of the time you take control over two of the six available characters. Each one has a speciality that comes in handy in order to open blocked doors or reaching new heights. Kenny for example has more muscles than brain and is therefore able to move around crates. Mei is instead a hacker and knows how to hack access panels. You can switch between both characters at any time and if you need another character in a given situation, you can go back to a gathering point and change your team. …

Resident Evil 5


Chris Redfield returns to the series as the main character in Resident Evil 5, a game which takes place five years after Resident Evil 4. He is sent to Kijuju, Africa, where local agent Sheva Alomar joins him in the mission to apprehend Ricardo Irwing, who is trying to sell bio-weapons in the black market. Soon they are attacked by hordes of locals infected by an improved version of the “las plagas” parasite seen in Resident Evil 4, which they call “majini”. As the story progresses, Chris discovers that some old fellows are behind the whole incident.

As well as including the concept of the “las plagas” parasite, this fifth part of the series also brings back the novel gameplay from the previous game. With an over the shoulder view, Chris confronts hordes of infected enemies that can throw objects and even shoot at you. They can be repelled with various guns, grenades, or using the knife and melee attacks if they get too close. This time though, Chris has a partner, Sheva, who accompanies him through all the game and can be controlled by a second player, with both characters having to keep an eye on each other to survive. The second player can enter and leave at any time playing locally through split screen or online through another console. …

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