Vivisector – Beast Within
A team of navy seals investigating a series of strange reports from Soreo, a desolate volcanic island somewhere in the Pacific, have gone missing. Kurt Robinson and his team are sent out to reestablish contact and to find out just what truth is behind those reports… Bit by bit, the history of the island and its inhabitants will be uncovered – as will Kurt Robinson’s role in it.
Vivisector: Beast Within is a first-person shooter which has players exploring some thirty-odd levels ranging from beaches and jungles to the snow covered heights of an inactive volcano. They’ll be forced to face a literal army of various engineered animals, from canines with lightning rods on their backs and metal reinforced fangs to the Rhino-truck, to various half-breed like Gepardmen, which utilize Ninja-like mortal combat techniques, or various types of Wolfmen, which field different types of heavy weaponry.
The player, in turn, gets access to an arsenal ranging from a standard combat knife and Pistol to more advanced weaponry, such as machine guns, plasma rifles, and a handheld Howitzer. …